Dartmoor, wilderness, Salve and Shield of my Heart.

The beauties of Dartmoor have helped me to re-establish my equilibrium. Walking on the springy turf, with sky before, behind and above is the greatest joy for me. Sweeping moor, clad in purple, gold and green serves as the shield and garland of my heart. Tiny churches with ancient yew trees as guardians provide another sanctuary. I look up, and keeping still and quiet, see the raven come with her croaky call; buzzard above calls me Heavenwards; I draw clouds, I see the souls of babies there, bodies growing softly, enormously, smiling there above me like the face of my mother I saw moments after her death. How happy she looked as she sailed skywards!

Little crowd of sheep, Dartmoor, September 14        Baby sky

Frankie being a pin up on Dartmoor, September 14        ancient Yew Tree, Holne churchyard.

Garden, Buckfast Abbey Sept 14      web spiderlings stretching like smoke

Saints of the rood Screen Holne Church.     Holne church interior with fine rood screen


Holne Church rood screen 1480      On Dartmoor, looking at Frankie

On Dartmoor with ponies and dogs, long walk!