Dates and details of next year’s courses: Fruitful Arm a recent poem and a painting from 2018; the dance between Eros and Psyche A new poem in response to a recent workshop with me (and a dream I had of different stairs), by Kathy Wray: Playground snake marked at each step one vertebra a climbing […]
Author Archives: admin
Men are Afraid
Recently I asked a psychoanalytic colleague why men might be afraid of my new work. What he wrote is below, followed by some of my thoughts and reflections. By a happy coincidence, I was already working with the image of Medusa and her Tongue, thinking about language, mother animals and the way they wash their […]
I often make drawings of paintings when I know they’re incomplete, but are at an interesting or important stage; it’s a little like taking a snapshot of the stages in a relationship. In my paintings I often obliterate interesting passages too, and it’s a way of keeping a record of their evolution. Sometimes the signposts […]
Bathing nervous limbs
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Arusha Gallery (@arushagallery) Bathing nervous limbs open daily until 29th of August, co-curated by Ella Walker for Edinburgh Art Festival 2021 Bathing nervous limbs BY SUSAN MANSFIELD, 11.08.2021 blog detail Balneum, 15th C., f.3v, detail. © The University of Edinburgh. The starting point for this group […]
A dream of a song spirit…and my recent course at The School of Art & Wellbeing, Honiton….
A dream of the Spirit of a Song. “I saw your song alive; there was great beauty. A cord stretching and growing like a branch, or a tree; a synapse, a ganglion; a cord of sinew, or mating rope between Arthropoda; an umbilical cord, twisting, fleshy, rooty, internal, from earth to heaven. With growing points/nodes/staging […]
I take back what’s mine
I’m so thrilled to be part of this show – details above! at Arusha Gallery, now open. Here is a review, where my work receives a special mention, to my great joy… Last night these words came, woke me up: Spirit coming through is the fruit of an energetic liaison and a promise too […]
Writing with an XR writing workshop, some fragments and longer passages
I wrote the bones of this piece during a workshop with the poet Dom Bury. Finding the heart crack, a place to write from, the place of tension between extinction and joy… Photo by Andrew McDouall, East Voe Beach, Shetland, 2017 Birds on the bank the wing and the rock, wings done pulsing, nor lifting […]
Nerves, animals, Eros and my search for understanding
I remember: As I drummed, a robe of white feathers was given to me. It gathered me up in itself, from head to foot. It was both weighty and light. I’m becoming the apple which floats; hovers kestrel-like in the space between us. You sit. I float above your face with my desire. The eye, […]
New writing on the Originary child, the budding phallus, and the Unspeakable Girl.
The Originary Child Hermaphroditism of the child. Conjunction of female and male. Initiation by Holy Bird. Drawing with oil pastels. April 2021. One of a sequence. In a new drawing (in my sketchbook, not yet developed) the phallus has energetic fields which move beyond itself in a looping, orbiting way. Like a slingshot of energetic […]
New writing on desire, longing, acceptance.
4th April. Easter Day In the night, in the dark, the back of my hand passes over the hard cold glass. I’m feeling for – reaching for – water. I suddenly remember my father saying to me countless times, “if you’re not careful you’re going to feel the back of my hand, my girl.” The […]