EarthLines magazine

I was very pleased to hear a couple of days ago that this work has been selected for a feature in EarthLines magazine: EarthLines on Facebook EarthLines on Twitter

Picking blackberries

So I am home to the brilliant light, the warm air, the soft water. Thinking about my talk on 24th august in Edinburgh, preparing myself, drawing out the threads which I will develop, and hoping for a receptive audience. The sun is shining, the garden is still full, although here and there collapse is beginning, […]

The blazing gaze, the quiet look.

Offering into my blazing gaze a trickle, a trace, a leaking from a containment. So I contain, I hold within all the forces which will not be soothed. No one comes to soothe. I am as a child again, there is no soothing, I do not learn to soothe myself. I turn to animals for […]

Recent work

  I’ve never been to Edinburgh so I am very excited to see and explore. I’d like to see the Chinese cicadas as well as visiting the collections in the major spaces. Here are some pictures of recent work which will be going to Edinburgh: