Drawing Near

In September 2022 I was sitting quietly in my studio feeling vaguely agitated about something when an idea about creating and doing something positive to raise money and awareness entered the top of my head like a wedge. It wouldn’t go away. I was waiting to see some visitors to my studio; they were bringing […]

New writing for myself and for Sally Tripptree.

Here is some text I wrote recently for Sally Tripptree’s joint show at The Crypt Gallery in London. All the little, tiny, overlooked & forgotten births. Writing on Sally Tripptree’s paintings by Kate Walters. Spending time with these luscious drawings and paintings there’s a sense for me of being drawn through something; the image which […]

https://dateagle.art/ Synesthesia II.

https://synesthesia.online/Parallels-Encounters for the Symposium, coming soon! Parallels / Encounters: Art, Words and their Meetings. Online | 10am – 2pm, 30th June & 7th July A two-part symposium on the parallel of art and words in contemporary visual art practices and how they come together in forms of publication. Featuring discussions, practical workshops, and sharing of […]