Jam on the Marsh

In early July I travelled east to Kent, to Romney Marshes, for Jam on the Marsh – a predominately musical event in London and the Romney Marshes.

My venue was Fairfield Church. It was a damp morning as I set out across the Marsh seeking the church. I saw it from some way off, a beautiful form on the flat green ocean.

Hundreds of sheep skittered away as we crossed the fields carrying drum, paper and inks.

I had come to make my hollow bone monotype drawings in response to energetic charges I received from co-creators…

Fairfield Church work space for JAM KW July 2015      Kate at Fairfield Church Jam on the Marsh July 2015

Inside the church it was beautiful, peaceful and spacious. Little white painted closed pews felt like little boats for prayer. I chose one with beside a window, and lit a candle, set out my inks, printing plate, drum and papers. Soon people arrived and for the next two days I worked with musicians, composers, interns, and students to create bespoke drawings from dreams, incidents, or from messages I picked up from the energetic fields surrounding people.

The experience was intense, emotional, powerful, and rewarding. I was happy with the drawings I made in response, and everyone took away their co-created drawing.

Kate Fairfield Church July 2015 for JAM     Fairfield Church interior, work space for JAM KW July 2015

My workspace in a pew, Fairfield church JAM July 2015     working in the church July 2015 JAM KW    working with co-creator JAM 2

Embodying the Blue   Kindly Wolf   horse consciousness

mountain spirit drawing    Walk on the marsh