Trans-States & Books of Blood…proposal success!

Yesterday I heard from the University of Northampton who will be hosting a conference called Trans-States in September. The conference is about exploring ways the Arts can help us to explore different areas of consciousness. My proposal to give a talk/performance about my work has been accepted…I am delighted! I will be talking about my ‘hollow bone process’.

Further good news: I recently heard from The University of Hertfordshire which will be curating and organising a project called BOOKS OF BLOOD: A CROSS-DISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATION INTO BLOOD AS REPRESENTATION, SYMBOL, AND TEXT IN MODERN CULTURE
All humans ‘are books of blood—wherever you open us, we’re red’ (Clive Barker). If our bodies are books of blood, then they can be read…

….. My proposal has been accepted for this project too, and I will be showing work and contributing to events and a publication. I am so thrilled! It is hoped that the project will travel from Ireland to London.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Water colour works about blood as life, about being in touch with the instinctual voices of our cells, about bodily knowing.