Dreams and Memories drawing workshop at St Ives School of Painting, July 2014…

This workshop, which finishes today, has been a full and intense experience. We’ve worked with dreams, memories, the breath, bodily impulses, the intuition and shamanic walking. A group of eight has come together as one animal, or a flock of birds, to produce something memorable and fine.

I have used my drum to help with drawing out memories, and also to enable participants to make contact with ancestral voices and images.

Here are some photos of students working, and their drawings.

2014-07-10 16.31.26     2014-07-10 16.30.08

2014-07-10 16.28.32     2014-07-10 16.29.09

2014-07-10 16.28.57     2014-07-10 16.31.15